The Best Worst Artist

While complementing Lori makes me physically ill, one thing I can’t deny is that she is a gifted artist.  She has the ability to create amazing, rustic, creative pieces with even the smallest amount of inspiration.

However, being that she still is the actual worst, she channels this gift in the most dickish ways possible.


This is what happens when she gets your name in the office gift exchange.


Were you expecting a warm and loving Christmas greeting??  Oh you silly fool.  If Lori even bothers to acknowledge the holidays, you’ll probably get something shitty like this.


And here’s something that might look familiar.  This was my birthday present.  I guess I should just be grateful she remembered my birthday…

Maybe, just maybe, if you’re a big enough asshole to earn her respect, you might get a piece of her amazing shitty art for your very own.

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