My Two Cents

Donating to charity is a great thing. You’re giving your extra time, money, or goods in the hopes to improve the quality of life for someone in need. Whether you’re helping to distribute meals to the needy, or dropping clothes off at Goodwill, even the smallest gesture does some good. You don’t have to be Mother Teresa to give to charity.

Technology is making it even easier to donate these days. I was just at Whole Foods today and they asked me if I wanted to round my bill up to $41, donating the extra 70 cents to a children’s charity. I of course obliged, albeit feeling a bit guilty. I mean 70 cents? That’s not a ton, but then I figured if everyone donated that much in one day it really adds up.

While I was having mixed feelings about my charitable donation, that familiar cold chill went down my spine, which could only mean one thing: Lori was close. All of a sudden she was next to me, cigarette dangling from her mouth, blank, far-off look in her eyes.

“Oh yeah,” she mumbled “I donated too.”

“Really?” I said in complete shock.

“Yeah,” she went on to explain “I rounded mine up two cents. We both gave to charity today.”

Suddenly my guilt subsided, and 70 cents seemed like $1,000 in comparison.

Lori was prompted with the opportunity to donate more from the cashier who helped me. Her response?

“Why would I donate twice in one day?!”

I don’t know, because it’s the right thing to do? But that’s just my two cents.




2 thoughts on “My Two Cents”

  1. Shocked that she even donated at all. Lori and charitable aren’t exactly two things you’d expect to hear in one sentence.

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